Thankful on Veterans Day

November 11 (11-11) is Veterans Day. It happens to be in the month which, in the United States, is best known for Thanksgiving. I am thankful on Veterans Day for many things.



The deployment of a family member is hard on a family. For the family members who are not deployed, it is not the actual deployment that affects us. We deal with the not knowing:

  • not knowing how our loved one is doing
  • not knowing where he is
  • not knowing what he is doing
  • not knowing when we will see him again

My thankful list this Veterans Day will be about the time our son was deployed in a war zone.


Andy helped us keep time
My husband set up this clock. It helped us keep up with difference in time zones.


Thankful this Veterans Day

So here I have listed eleven (11) things that I am thankful for on Veterans Day:

  1. The fact that my son was doing what he had trained to do
  2. The friends that helped me survive
  3. The activities that kept my mind busy
  4. Our family members, who were always there for all of us
  5. One special friend that would not let me fall
  6. My husband, who was always close by me
  7. The ability of our son to keep in touch with us
  8. The technology that allowed us to “see” our son
  9. The knowledge that our son thought about us while he was gone
  10. The fact that our son is still with us
  11. God, who held our son, as well as others, in the palm of his hands


Gift from a friend
Gift from a friend – blue stars are a gift from God


Gift from our veteran
Gift from a returning soldier.




Are there things that you are thankful for this Veterans Day?





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Owner of Honor Sphere

Stephanie is the owner of Honor Sphere. She blogs about what's on her mind.