Amazing Spring Flowers that Surprise Me in March
I finally got to check out the Spring flowers. It rained for what seemed to be forever. Then a tornado hit middle Tennessee. And the 2020 pandemic happened.
I finally got to check out the Spring flowers. It rained for what seemed to be forever. Then a tornado hit middle Tennessee. And the 2020 pandemic happened.
Shopping for Christmas – scary! Let’s pay homage to Halloween, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving. Celebrating those is hard without shopping for Christmas.
My grandchildren probably won’t be interested in anything about me until I am long gone. So the best thing for me to do is write it down now.
If you want spring flowers, plants usually have to be planted earlier. Spring is usually a time of planting gardens, not blooming flowers.
The Dogwood Tree: All who see it will think of Me, Nailed to a cross from a dogwood tree. Protected and cherished this tree shall be.
Merry Christmas to you: My life begins in the country in the southern USA. Revisited – The Wonderful Childlike Anticipation of Christmas
A calendar, what’s the best way to use it? Sometimes I don’t even know what day it is. I use my phone to remind me of the date when I’m writing checks (yes, I still write … Continued
Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! St. Patrick’s Day is for everybody. Enjoy the green. Enjoy the laughter. Enjoy the day! St. Patrick’s Day Treats, Music & Dance … Continued
November 11 (11-11) is Veterans Day. It happens to be in the month which, in the United States, is best known for Thanksgiving. I am thankful on Veterans Day for many things. Deployment The deployment of a family member … Continued