
How I Tried to Make Myself Happy!

I decided to intentionally try to make myself happy. This state of mind had not been my natural mood for some time, so I wanted to do something about it. By Googling, I came across this page:  
7 Easy Happiness Boosters According to Harvard Research. I decided to try it.

I’ll need to return to this page each day to see how I’m progressing.

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Be Happy – Try Meditation

First on the list was meditation. I set my timer for ten minutes and found a quiet place where the light of the TV wouldn’t bother me. This place happened to be the bathroom. I closed my eyes and began to concentrate on my breathing. Other thoughts tried to take over, but I managed to push them out of my mind. Ten minutes began to seem like forever. When I stopped, I still had one minute and nineteen seconds left on the timer. But it was a start.

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Be Happy – Find Something to Look Forward To

Second was “Find Something to Look Forward To”. I had been looking forward to getting the house clean, but the process was taking too long. Some instant gratification would be nice. It needed to be something I could do myself. Depending on others to help didn’t always work out. I could walk once a day…instant and something I could do myself. So, I would look forward to walking once a day. I wouldn’t push myself but I would do it.

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Be Happy – Commit Acts of Kindness

Third, “Commit Conscious Acts of Kindness”. This needed some research. I found 100 Acts of Kindness for Kids. That seemed like a good place to start. The page also included this list:

I think this web page was an act of kindness. Thank you, Megan!

Things to get me started:

  • Read a book to someone.
  • Donate a book to a doctor’s office waiting room.
  • Tell someone how much you love them.
  • Send a postcard to a friend.

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Be Happy – Use Positive Surroundings

Fourth, “Infuse Positivity into Your Surroundings”. Examples: go outside, watch less negative media.

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Be Happy by Exercising

Fifth, “Exercise”. Today twenty minutes of walking outside fulfilled the fifth, fourth, and second ways to intentionally trying to make myself happy.

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Spend Money on Social Activities or Others

Sixth, “Spend Money (but not on stuff)”.

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Be Happy – Find and Use Signature Strength

Seventh, use a signature strength “in a new way each day for a week.” My signature strength would be my computer knowledge. How could I use it new each day for a week?

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Original Idea of My Signature Strength

I used the web page How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (Computer Skill Examples) to help me gather some ideas for this section. Determine your own signature strength and research it.

My goal is to use each of these in a new way:

  1. Word Processing and Typing
  2. Graphic Editing
  3. Internet Research
  4. WordPress (CMS) – Content Management System
  5. Social Media
  6. Create PDFs
  7. Create a Presentation

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I feel better having started this process, but a bit of discipline is going to be required on my part. This looks doable!

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New, Researched Signature Strength

But wait! Perhaps I misunderstood the definition of “signature strength”. Yes, I have worked with computers most of my adult life. But what is my best character virtue. I took the survey At the VIA Institute of Character and discovered that my signature strength is most likely curiosity. Side note: VIA means “Values in Action Inventory”.

There was a page on the VIA Institute of Character that explained Curiosity more in depth. That sounds a lot like me. So far my computer skills have helped me quench my curiosity. Maybe it’s time to expand. So how can I use curiosity in a new way each day for a week”.

  1. Take pictures when I walk each day.
  2. learn more about the 24 character strengths.
  3. Read more about meditating and yoga.
  4. Research garden plants and order some when I know I can use them.
  5. Explore the crevices of this house and clean while I’m at it.
  6. Watch what my grandchildren do and say.
  7. Work on a garden area and start plants inside.

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So, I worked on using these seven steps to make me happy. See my progress in This is What Happened When I Tried to Make Myself Happy!. I returned and to my progress page and added a video that inspired me and a book suggested by a friend, How Happiness Happens. I will continue to work on being both happy and joyful.

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Barker, Eric. “7 Easy Happiness Boosters According to Harvard Research.” Barking Up The Wrong Tree, April 29, 2015. https://www.bakadesuyo.com/2012/08/what-7-activities-does-harvard-happiness-expe/.

“Curiosity.” Curiosity | Character Strength | VIA Institute. Accessed February 4, 2020. https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths/curiosity.

Resume.com Team. “How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (With Examples).” Resume.com Career Advice. Resume.com, May 7, 2019. https://www.resume.com/career-advice/resumes/how-to-list-computer-skills-on-a-resume-with-examples/.

Sheakoski Media, LLC., Megan. “100 Acts of Kindness for Kids.” Coffee Cups and Crayons, January 12, 2015. https://www.coffeecupsandcrayons.com/100-acts-kindness-kids/.

“Take The VIA Survey.” Login | VIA Institute. Accessed February 4, 2020. https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/surveys/takesurvey.

“The 24 Character Strengths.” Find Your 24 Character Strengths | Personal Strengths List | VIA Institute. Accessed February 4, 2020. https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths.

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Follow Stephanie:

Owner of Honor Sphere

Stephanie is the owner of Honor Sphere. She blogs about what's on her mind.

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