My original post, How I Tried to Make Myself Happy!, started me on a new endeavor to try to change my mood. I wanted to be “happy” regardless of the circumstances. This was an attempt to change my mood. I was tired of feeling “blah”and depressed.
[su_spacer]Day 2
I normally get enough sleep. But my sleeping time is erratic. This day, I got up after 10 am.
My youngest son meditates, exercises, and is a Chi Instructor. His pictures from 2006 and 2019 were amazingly similar. The thought of his success will help me keep going.
I increased my meditation time to 11 minutes, because I had read that doing something for at least 11 minutes helps to make it a routine. There was an interruption at about 3 minutes left. I paused the meditation, but continued after the interruption. My back, side, and neck ached, but I ended with a sense of well-being.
Something to Look Forward To
I set my walking daily as something I could look forward to. This gives me an excuse to change out of my pajamas and put on my walking clothes. Today was cloudy and raining, but there was no thunder and lightning. So I set my timer for 20 minutes and walked.
Acts of Kindness
I love the habit that my husband and I have of telling each other, “I love you” before bed and before he leaves for work. Even though we don’t always agree, we have kept up this ritual for some time.
I don’t talk to Mother every day. But today we talked through text message.
I will need to make a special effort to do intentional acts of kindness in the future.
Positive Surroundings
Walked around our house outside. Just being outside was so nice. I had been sitting in the same place for months, maybe years.
Walked outside for 20 minutes. This might not seem like much, but not that long ago I couldn’t walk at all. I’m thankful to be able to walk around the house.
Spend Money on Social Activities or Others
Spending money is not something that I do very often. I found out long ago that having “stuff” was not all it was cracked up to be. I have made a habit of living without using or spending money on much of anything. But my husband had spent a small amount on some pork chops and mushrooms. He cooked them and we enjoyed the food together. This was our social activity for the day.
Use Signature Strength
I discovered in the original post that my main signature strength is curiosity.
Curious observations today:
- While walking outside I noticed that the buttercups, and iris leaves were sprouting. Upon closer observation I saw blooms. Forsythia had a few blooms. There were buds on some buttercups. Creeping phlox was booming around the edges. I saw blooming dandelions. I think I saw crocus leaves sprouting. Nandina red berries are still on the shrub.
- I posted some items on Facebook about gardening.
First, I found a video about five early vegetable plants.
[su_youtube_advanced url=”” mute=”yes” loop=”yes” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes” theme=”light” playsinline=”yes”]Second, I found a planting calendar specifically for our area – Planting Calendar for Atoka, TN
- I received a recommendation to read How Happiness Happens, by Max Lucado.
Day 3
Today I woke up at about 3 am, took my morning medicine, fixed some coffee, searched for and found my phone. Then started my routine.
I started by recording what I was doing. My typing was erratic. I would start in one place, look up, and realize I was not typing where I thought I was typing at all. It may be a few words or a line off. This required backing up and making frequent corrections.
Time to meditate: but wait – second cup of coffee first. (When I got in the light of the kitchen I realized part of my morning medicine was in the bottom of my coffee cup. I added water and swallowed it.)
Now, time to meditate: Set my timer to 11 minutes. Went to bathroom which I had made my regular meditation area. I sat in the dark breathing. This time I let words enter my mind – “God, Christ, the Holy Spirit…gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, love.” Before I knew it the alarm went off. I considered this a successful meditation!
Something to Look Forward To
It was still dark outside, so I decided to wait for the morning light. Daylight was 6:56 am. It was only 4:14 am and 42 degrees. I would need to dress some what warmer today.
Watched President Trump’s State of the Union Speech. Fixed coffee. Prepared oatmeal.
….I wondered off doing other things. After 7 am I found some dry shoes, covered them with plastic grocery bags held on with rubber bands, set my timer for 20 minutes and set out to walk in the still-wet yard.
Acts of Kindness
Conscious acts of kindness can be my downfall. Sometimes I spend days or weeks and never see anyone else but my husband. I try to make it a habit to ready his coffee for the morning, at night and before he leaves for work – give him a kiss and say, “I love you”.
We had some interesting conversations today before he headed to bed.
Positive Surroundings
Went outside for 20 minutes.
Walked for 20 minutes around the house.
Spend Money on Social Activities or Others
Did not spend any money.
I watched Trump’s State of the Union Speech once by myself and another time when my husband got home. Rush Limbaugh with stage four lung cancer and a favorite radio broadcaster of Dad’s, got the Medal of Freedom. To me it was a very positive speech. Facebook was on fire. Then Trump got acquitted from his impeachment. Whoa!! Mitt Romney was the only Republican that voted in favor of impeachment. Finding out that Mitt Romney was a Mormon made me rethink his vote. Mormons that I have known set very high standards for themselves. I don’t think that most politicians today would meet his standards.
Use Signature Strength
When I was walking, I also took pictures of the plants outside.
These are some of my photos from 2-5-2020.
Day 4
I got up at 1 am. Finished “Day 3” information. First cup of coffee finished. Second cup – working on. Edited and uploaded some photos.
Ready to meditate. I meditated for 11 minutes. While working on my breathing and posture, I repeated to myself Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The meditation went by quickly.
Something to Look Forward To
Today’s sunrise is at 6:56 am in Memphis. It’s now 6:16 am. Time to get ready. It seemed rather cool, but I wasn’t sure how cool it was. I covered my shoes in grocer bags again, because I somehow knew the ground would still be wet. My camera was ready, my glasses were in place. I had my sweater. Now I needed to wait just 25 more minutes.
I got started before sunrise. It was cloudy so you couldn’t see the sun come up anyway. It was cold enough for me to wear a sweater and a lightweight coat. The birds were singing.
Acts of Kindness
Need to call Mom.
Note to self – Need Valentine Cards
[su_spacer]Positive Surroundings
Went outside even though it was cloudy and wet.
About 20 minutes of walking. Hip hurt a little. But it’s a start.
Spend Money on Social Activities or Others
Perhaps time is money. You think?
Use Signature Strength
Day 5
I got up at 10:30 am. Fixed some coffee and took my medicine. Looked at Facebook. Started recording my actions. Checked on my husbands location – he’s home! (12:00 am) Fixed more coffee. I think I’ll wait till he is inside before starting my meditation.
Looking at websites:
I meditated for 11 minutes, but I couldn’t get the idea, of letting Bloomberg out to pet the moose in Alaska, out of my mind.
Something to Look Forward To
Going outside with my husband. Set my timer for 20 minutes. It went off just as I got back inside.
Acts of Kindness
When outside, saved buttercups and iris that I had promised someone.
Positive Surroundings
Went outside.
Helped husband divide plants. Pushed down tree stump.
Spend Money on Social Activities or Others
Spent time with husband outside.
Use Signature Strength
So, I made a commitment to continue this routine. After starting on How I Tried to Make Myself Happy!, I recorded four more days here. I’ll try to continue this routine to better myself. At some point I hope to do more.
Video – Feed the Good
Book Exerpt- How Happiness Happens
Google link to How Happiness Happens. Suggested by a friend. Thank you, Mark Johnson.
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