In Shopping for Baby I explained how I used the internet to search for the perfect gift. Now in Buying for Baby, I’ll tell you whether I ever bought the items.
Recap from Shopping for Baby
So I’ve found this perfect item online at and another item at Now I plan to buy them for our grand baby. I haven’t decided how or when I will go about getting to the stores, but that’s what I want to do. If I put off buying for too long, the baby will grow out of the clothes. I don’t remember telling anyone that I wanted to buy them. But then I don’t remember a lot of things I do. It seems that I told my husband about my idea to buy the onesies at Burlington Coat Factory.
Yes, he confirmed that I mentioned to him, “Maybe you can buy this at Burlington Coat Factory?” I still don’t remember saying that, but as he said, “Sometimes he listens to me.” 🙂 I guess I just throw things out there, just in case.
The Opportunity
My husband called me and said that Burlington Coat Factory is not far from where he works. He wants to stop by the store to see if they have the product I have been looking at on the website. Great!!
So this is the item:
Snap-bottom All Star Onesies – short sleeve.
5pk Little All Star Onesies (6-9m)by GERBER
While we are talking on the phone; my husband found the item at the store. He actually found a better deal than the one online and picked up some other items while he was there. Yay!! But there’s more …
Pictures of Purchases
When he got home, I just had to take pictures:

We try to at least try to buy something for the next-to-youngest, when we are buying for the baby. This time we bought a Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hooded Throw. It’s starting to get cooler, so he should enjoy using this.
And a special gift for brother:

The Carters Outfit
In Shopping for Baby, I also found a cute outfit at Do I want to buy it online? Will I buy it from a store? I don’t know where any Carters stores are. What should I do? Check back later to see what I decide to do.
What does “Buying for Baby” have to do with Honor Sphere?
Honor Sphere is a website design and development company. Millions of websites make up the internet. Many people now use the internet when they go shopping. My husband does not have the internet available to him when he shops. But when he called me I used the internet to find the item I wanted him to purchase. Does your business have a website?
A major step for any business is to have a presence on the internet. When people need to know about a business, can they find it on the internet? Honor Sphere can help with that.
The next step for a business is to fine tune their presence so they are the go-to business for a customer. Honor Sphere explores these ideas through the everyday actions of people — like Shopping for Baby and Buying for Baby. Join our mailing list to find out more about how people interact with the internet every day. Or contact us about a special project you have in mind.