The Internet: Are You Interested in Marvelous Ideas?
How Does the Internet Work? So, “If a website can be shut down & people can be silenced, why can’t kiddy porn be shut down?” Hope this helps!
I finally got to check out the Spring flowers. It rained for what seemed to be forever. Then a tornado hit middle Tennessee. And the 2020 pandemic happened.
My original post, How I Tried to Make Myself Happy!, started me on a new endeavor to try to change my mood. I wanted to be “happy” regardless of the circumstances. This was an attempt to change my mood.
It seems to me that all of these definitions, when applied to humans, are very subjective. Who determines if a person is “poor”.
I never liked the idea of kids having to wear uniforms to school. My dislike goes back to a time when we were required to wear dresses.
The best statement I heard from a college professor was: “If I taught you how to learn I did my job.” It was not – “I taught you everything.”
It takes a lot of work to weed a flower garden, but the results can be quite satisfying. I prefer weeing by hand.
If you want spring flowers, plants usually have to be planted earlier. Spring is usually a time of planting gardens, not blooming flowers.
The Dogwood Tree: All who see it will think of Me, Nailed to a cross from a dogwood tree. Protected and cherished this tree shall be.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, 2012. Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed from
When I was growing up, there were two subjects that were taboo – religion and politics. Politics until I was in high school, was Democratic then Republican.
Most of what she was, I wasn’t and never claimed to be. Val’s biggest problem was that her mom and dad were getting a divorce. It wasn’t her fault.
The Ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, was August 24, 1920, in Tennessee. A law doesn’t change people automatically.
I am not a comedian and have never been able to tell a good joke. But my husband knows how to make me laugh. He always has.
I expect a lot from the men in my life. From the day I was born and later from my ancestry, I learned that they were awesome.
Something our summers always included when I was young was a vacation. Mom and Dad continued the tradition after we left home.
A pole barn was in the pasture where the horses were kept, next to the house that was designed by Dad..In the winter the barn was filled with hay.
Dad flew a Cessna single-engine with six seats. We could see outside,because the wings were on top. Dad seemed to be in his element when he was flying.
I remember tales that Dad found someone on Highway 51 to dig the hole. Rebar was fashioned to the shape of the pool…Concrete was shaped over the rebar.
Grief is the dark areas and shadows of your life. Your masterpiece is not complete without grief.
Merry Christmas to you: My life begins in the country in the southern USA. Revisited – The Wonderful Childlike Anticipation of Christmas
[su_spacer size=”20″ class=””] As I get older, I realize that my grandchildren and even my children don’t know that much about me. This blog and several others are to fill in some of those gaps. There was my house, the … Continued
Updated July 27, 2021 “Where do I begin?” Did you get it – that’s the theme from the movie “Love Story” (1970). But, where do you begin blogging? These tools will help you get started and maybe even give … Continued
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][wp_paypal_payment_box_for_any_amount email=”your@paypal-email” description=”payment for xyz”]—————————[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″]Donations are not tax deductible. It takes some money and lots of time to present the information in these blogs, so if you wish to donate: Thank you![/su_column][/su_row] A calendar, what’s … Continued